Sunday, February 22, 2009

Welcome to Arete Psychological Solutions

Arete is a Greek concept which implies reaching your highest human potential. In other words, it means being the best that you can be regardless the circumstances. When one reaches Arete, they have achieved fulfillment, effectiveness, wholeness, and happiness. Arete utilizes the mind, body, and spirit in an effective way to make oneself well-rounded and accomplished. In ancient Greece, one had to achieve Arete before passing from boyhood to manhood.

I am about to launch my private practice, Arete Psychological Solutions, in Fort Collins, Colorado. I am finishing up my doctoral residency in clincial psychology this year and will officially be called Doctor in a few short months. I enter the field of psychology, therapy, and counseling with a new perspective -- that therapy doesn't have to be boring, that it doesn't have to be long-term, that it doesn't have to be about the therapist only listening and the client only talking. My idea is be the exact opposite of what most people think a psychologist is.

I'm blunt, I'm sarcastic, I'm funny and I want to challenge people to reach deep inside themselves to find their potential. I believe that everyone can be whatever it is they want. I believe that people can overcome their circumstances to reach their goals. I love challenging people and showing them that they are better, smarter, more attractive than they really think. This blog is my introduction to the world of helping people on my own. I hope to offer you some real-life suggestions on how to survive this crazy, crazy world. I'll use my own real-life examples and offer some suggestions on how to overcome the little things and the big stuff. I've made my life's goal about helping people. Helping people to do what? To reach Arete -- to flourish, to be honorable, to be effective. Arete Psychological Solutions will help you cultivate your potential.

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